
 Jacob Michael Griffin


My name is Jacob Michael Griffin and this is my blog. I am I will be six months old on Thursday 7/11/2013. I like to drink milk, put stuff in my mouth, pull my mom and grandma's hair, and bounce in my bouncing horse. I'm starting to make word sounds some and have said a couple of small words but I don't think I know what they mean yet.

I'm going to have my people posting pictures, videos, and telling you about my life so I will have an almost complete record of how I grew up and tons of pictures to be embarrassed about when I'm around family with my girlfriends.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Real Food

OMG! Real food tastes different than milk. I never knew apples and blueberries tasted so good!


On a recent visit to great grandma's they put up a swing on the porch for me so I thought I'd try it. How do I look swanging in my outdoor porch swing?